Glenora Community Overview

Glenora is a prime residential neighbourhood in the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, overlooking the North Saskatchewan River valley.

Glenora is bounded on the east by Groat Road, on the north by 107 Avenue, on the west by 142 Street, and on the south by the river valley and the McKinnon Ravine.

Located right at the eastern end of the neighbourhood, overlooking Groat Road and the river valley, are the Royal Alberta Museum and Alberta Government House.

Alberta Government House was the home to the first six Lieutenant Governors of the Province of Alberta. Today it is used for government conferences, receptions and dinners. An appreciation of the historical significance of Government House is fostered by the Government House Foundation, consisting of 12 volunteers appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

The Royal Alberta Museum was originally opened in 1967 as the Provincial Museum of Alberta. On May 24, 2005, the name of the museum was changed to the Royal Alberta Museum when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II graciously consented to assign the designation “Royal” to the during her visit for the Alberta Centennial.

Located in the river valley immediately below Alberta Government House and the Royal Alberta Museum is the Government House Park.

Other noted landmarks are the Glenora Bed and Breakfast and the beautiful home of Kenneth Freeland which attracts onlookers from all over Alberta.

There are four schools located in Glenora. Glenora Emementary School and Westminster Junior High School are both operated by the Edmonton Public School System. St. Vincent Catholic Elementary School is operated by the Edmonton Catholic School System. There is also the Progressive Academy, a private school, located near the north east corner of the neighborhood.

Community overview from Wikipedia.

Glenora Apartment Rental Stats

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Distances are estimated from a central point within the community.

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